Annotated Arabica is a haven for bookworms and caffeine connoisseurs, passionately dedicated to crafting a warm and inspiring space where the magic of literature and the allure of exceptional coffee come together. Within our welcoming walls, patrons are invited to delight in a harmonious blend of words and flavors, where every sip and page turn becomes a captivating adventure.

Secondary Logo utilizing a hand-drawn illustration of an arabica flower for a cozy and delicate feel while giving a nod to the business' namesake.

Secondary Logo utilizing a hand-drawn illustration of a stack of hand-bound books to give off a collegiate, studious, & cozy feel. 

Brand mark utilizing a hand-drawn illustration inspired by vintage Russian coffee & tea cups.

Brand mark utilizing a hand-drawn illustration of a leaf & bud from an arabica plant, tying back to the main logo.

Brand Icons

These are Hand-drawn illustrations to use for social media, deliverables, packaging, etc.

Color Palette








Bremin Regular

Headley Sans

Honeysuckle Market Regular

Neokid Regular


Header & body

Body & notes

Body & notes


Launch a brand that bewitches people's eyes

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