Charm believes in the enchantment of life's little moments.

Their mission is to infuse joy into everyday rituals by offering a delightful collection of teas that transform ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences.

They carefully craft tantalizing flavors from tea leaves sourced from around the world; all while collaborating with small artists to bring you enchanting packaging, turning each tea box into a miniature work of art. Every aspect of Charm is designed to add a touch of magic to your day, one charming sip at a time.

Primary Logo

This logo is the go-to! It is the main logo representation for your brand! 

The C in the charm logo was modeled after a horseshoe; symbolic of the lucky charm that wards off misfortune.

A classic serif font is used to establish a clean and professional feel with a nod to traditional print that gives an impression of coziness.

Added line-work connects the letters and creates a "charm"ing and personal touch.

Secondary Logo

The secondary logo is used when the primary logo is unable to fit in the desired space correctly.

The Horseshoe symbol at the center of logo as well as the ring saying "charm teas" in the same font as the  primary logo creates the connection between the two logos.

The circular layout mimics that of a charm one might wear on a bracelet or necklace.

Color Palette








Rain Drop




Classy Vogue

Daily Spark Script

Header & Body

Header & Body 


Launch a brand that bewitches people's eyes

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