At Luna Care, our mission is to illuminate the path to well-being. We offer innovative healthcare solutions, delivering your monthly contraceptive prescription and self-care products directly to your doorstep from full moon to full moon. Our convenient app discreetly reminds you of your period, subscription, and self-care routine, empowering you with convenient, affordable, and compassionate health solutions. Join us in making a positive impact on communities, one individual at a time.

Primary Logo

This logo is the go-to! It is the main logo representation for your brand! 

The outlined and softer appearance of "Care" in the logo conveys Lunar Care's brand essence, emphasizing compassion, sensitivity, and a gentle approach to healthcare. 

The C in care is modeled after a moon phase to represent the lunar aesthetic the their concept of "from full moon to full moon".

The bolding of "Lunar" in the logo symbolizes the profound connection between lunar cycles and menstrual health. It underscores Lunar Care's commitment to acknowledging and celebrating the natural rhythm of women's bodies in harmony with the moon phases.

Secondary Logo

The secondary logo is used when the primary logo is unable to fit in the desired space correctly.

Brand Mark

Brand Marks are another logo type that is used in smaller spaces
and sizes where the primary & secondary logos don't fit.

App Mockup

From FUll Moon to full moon

Color Palette










Portico Regular

Portico Outline



Mada Bold

Carrois Gothic Regular

Header & Body



Launch a brand that bewitches people's eyes

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